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Management idea

Because of the lower-energy consumed, less pollution released and higher using of the resources in the industry of the valves and faucets, as well as recycle of the resources, we realize the "zero" pollution released during the whole lifecycle of the products. As early as year 2000, we gained the certification of ISO14001 environment management, and actively took the responsibility of protecting the environment of society. And with the development of the enterprise we always remember "energy-save & lower consume, pre-protection, and clean production".

Technical development in the industry of valves and faucets comply with the requirement of the industry structure policy of water-save, energy-save and environment-protection which has the advantage of continual development. Based on the potential development of the industry, Amico Company gets the good chance of development with better sales position of series products. According to the enterprise's plan of innovation & development, we increase the investment in the equipments year by year, and pay attention to the technical innovation as the basis of the company continual development & economy increasing. Following the trend of the development of the similar products over china and overseas, our company designed and developed new products such as water-save faucets, automatic mixer, thermostatic mixer and so on, to keep our quality at the same level with the world advance in the industry.

New modern AMICO industry town was founded at the end of year 2006, with the better organized industry-chain and enlarged production scale, it has made AMICO "better and stronger". In 2008, company devoted a lot of money for the updating of the equipments and made the production model totally different, promoted the adjustment of the production structure, that had made firm basis for the replacement of the importation, enlargement of the exportation and brand is famous in both china and overseas.

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